Responding to COVID-19
Re. Responding to COVID-19 Infection Risks
Dear Saints of St. Paul,
Psalm 91:1–6 (ESV) 1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his pinions,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
5 You will not fear the terror of the night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
The Executive Board and Board of Elders are monitoring the situation and recommendations being issued by public health officials. These recommendations and the actions we are taking are intended to help slow the rate of infection. This will benefit those most vulnerable as it will allow the medical community more time to prepare and also the system to be less clogged. We are acting out of love for our neighbor, not out of fear or panic. We trust in Christ’s mercy to see us through this and all the sorrows of this life. Even if it is the end of our time on earth, that would be a mercy, but the reports are that it is a mortal threat to only a small percentage of the population.
For the short term, at least until Easter, we will be implementing the following procedures at St. Paul and continue to monitor recommendations and revisit them as appropriate. We ask for your patience, cooperation, and prayers.
With confidence in our Lord’s care for His creation, we wake each day ready to love and serve our neighbors and receive all of God’s gifts and mercy. As always, if your church family can be of help to you for any reason of spiritual or physical care, please reach out so that we can serve as the Body of Christ.
In Christ,
The Exeutive Board
Board of Elders
Pastor Zielinski
The following procedures will be in effect until at least Easter time. We will revisit them as the situation calls for it.
- No hand shaking. Greeters will still be at the door and Pastor will still be in the Narthex after the service, but we won’t shake hands.
- Please wash your hands vigorously and often and try to restrain yourself from touching your face. Hand sanitizer is available around the church.
- No meals at church before the midweek Lenten services.
- No coffee or doughnuts served on Sunday morning (feel free to bring your own)
- The Swiss Steak dinner is postponed.
- Bulletins are stacked at the entrace to the sanctuary. Please take your own.
- Keep your bulletin. We will not be reusing them between services. (this includes the large print)
- Bulletins contain the entire service. You will not need to share hymnals.
Attending and Viewing Worship
- Know that you have “permission” to stay home if you are sick, are at a high risk of complications, or someone in your household is sick. If you are staying home due to illness or risk, let the church office know so that we can continue to provide pastoral care to all our members.
- View services live or on-demand via YouTube, Facebook, or Worship and Bible Studies are available at these sites. They also include links to the current Sunday bulletin.
- If you prefer a DVD, contact the church office anytime and we will mail one out.
- If you would like a pastoral visit for communion or other pastoral care, contact him via the church phone or his cell: 440-458-0189.
At the Lord’s Supper
- The chalice and individual cups will both continue to be offered. Both are perfectly sanitary ways to receive communion. We will be preparing additional individual cups as some members who typically prefer the common cup may choose to use individual cups right now. That is perfectly fine.
- Assistants will wash their hands immediately before distribution.
- Individual cups will be arranged on the tray so that YOU can easily grab a cup by the stem.
- You will place the individual cup directly into the collection basket (rather than handing it to the assistant).
- The cloth used to wipe the rim of the chalice will be soaked in alcohol and procedures for cleaning the rim have been reviewed with the assistants.
- The communion rail (and other common surfaces) will be wiped down before each service.