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Book Now with Pastor Zielinski

St. Paul Lutheran Church
1377 Lester Rd.
Valley City, OH 44280
Worship Times:
Sunday, 8am & 10:30am
Walk-In Individual Communion
Sunday, 12:00pm – 2:00pm
Tuesday, 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Wednesdays during
Advent and Lent
10:00am Bible Study
11:30am Worship
7:00pm Worship

Thanks from Joyce Haury

Thank you for all the surprise birthday cards and the Get Well wishes. You are such a kind and caring church family. God has been good to me. In Christ, Joyce Haury


Bulletin & Announcements Sunday, October 23, 2022

File: 2022-10-23 Large Print.pdf Beloved of the Lord, Today we will have in-person worship. We will also be streaming live at 8:00 AM for worship and 9:30 AM for Bible Study.  Watch at or on Facebook or YouTube. …


Thanks from Barb Pijor

Thank you all for your prayers, cards, and sending good vibes for my recent back surgery. It turned out to be a bit more extensive than originally thought. A 5-hour operation became an 8-hour operation, thus recovery will be a…


Prayers for Brian Nash

Tina has asked for prayer for her husband, Brian, as he has developed an early onset sort of dementia. He resides at Echelon in Medina. Please keep Brian and his family in your prayers. 


Bulletin & Announcements Sunday, October 16, 2022

File: 2022-10-16 Large Print.pdf Beloved of the Lord, Today we will have in-person worship. We will also be streaming live at 8:00 AM for worship and 9:30 AM for Bible Study.  Watch at or on Facebook or YouTube. …


Possible Text / email scam

Beloved of the Lord, If you receive a text message that appears to be signed by me asking you to handle a matter “discreetly” please know that this is a fake message and NOT from me. The phone number is not mine. Please do not…