Bulletin & Announcements Sunday, June 18, 2023

File: 2023-06-18 Large Print.pdf Beloved of the Lord, Today we welcome Rev. Garrett Buvinghausen and family!  Blessed Father’s Day! Please join in as the LWML host the annual Father’s Day Ice Cream Social between services. Also…


Bulletin & Announcements Sunday, June 11, 2023

File: 2023-06-11 Large Print.pdf Beloved of the Lord, Today we will have in-person worship. We will also be streaming live at 8:00 AM for worship and 9:15 AM for Bible Study.  Watch at www.spvc.org or on Facebook or YouTube. …


Summer Adventure Reminder

The last day to register for the Ark Encounter is this Sunday. Also, your fee remittance is due on the 11th.  We have 22 seats available and would like to get them filled if possible. If you need assistance in any way please…


Voters Engage Pastoral Assistant

Beloved of the Lord, Today the Voters assembly voted to extend a one-year contract to Rev. Chris Streeper to serve as a part-time Pastoral Assistant while he completes his seminary studies. Welcome Pastor Streeper and family! We…


Bulletin & Announcements Sunday, June 4, 2023

File: 2023-06-04 Large Print.pdf Beloved of the Lord, Today we will have in-person worship. We will also be streaming live at 8:00 AM for worship and 9:15 AM for Bible Study.  Watch at www.spvc.org or on Facebook or YouTube. …


Bulletin & Announcements Sunday, May 28, 2023

File: 2023-05-28 Large Print.pdf Beloved of the Lord, Today we will have in-person worship. We will also be streaming live at 8:00 AM for worship and 9:15 AM for Bible Study.  Watch at www.spvc.org or on Facebook or YouTube. …