From Joyce’s Family:
My name is Emily and I am married to Joyce Haury’s grandson, Ben. Joyce has been a very influential person in Ben and I’s life – we are so thankful for her!
We want to make her 81st birthday special on October 4th, and to give her 81 envelopes on her birthday to open!
We know she has many brothers and sisters in Christ at her church so we are hoping you can help us spread the word, as we do not know everyone she knows!
We are hoping to keep this a SURPRISE.
We are asking as many family and friends as possible to write a favorite memory with her, or, their favorite thing about her on a piece of paper and give it to one of your Elder’s at church. We will take care of the rest.
If you, or other members of the church would be willing to participate you may also mail your responses to:
Emily Haury
10094 Old Mill Road
Spencer, OH 44275
Thanks so much!
Ben & Emily Haury