Photo from Church Picnic

Hello All, We’ve received a number of requests for the photo from the church picnic. It is attached to this email. If you require something higher resolution, please reach out to Blessings! Pastor


Bulletin, Bible Study & Announcements Sunday, August 1st, 2021

File: 2021-08-01 Large Print.pdf Beloved of the Lord, Today we will have in-person worship. We will also be streaming live at 8:00 AM for worship and 9:30 AM for Bible Study.  Watch at or on Facebook or YouTube. …


Bulletin & Announcements Sunday, July 25, 2021

File: 2021-07-25 Large Print (25).pdf Beloved of the Lord, Today we will have in-person worship. We will also be streaming live at 8:00 AM for worship.  There will be NO Bible Class due to the Summer Fellowship Hour between…


Church Picnic Bulletin & Announcements Sunday, July 18, 2021

File: 2021-07-18 Large Print Church Picnic.pdf Beloved of the Lord, Today is our Annual St. Paul Church Worship Picnic at 10:30 AM, beginning with the Worship Service, food, fun and fellowship to follow. LOCATION CHANGE: ALL…



Mill Stream Park is flooded. All events for today’s picnic will be at church, 1377 Lester Rd. 10:30am ONE worship service. Catered lunch to follow. We also keep in our prayers all those affected by the flooding locally and…


Bulletin, Bible Study & Announcements Sunday, July 11, 2021

File: 2021-07-11 Large Print.pdf Beloved of the Lord, Today we will have in-person worship. We will also be streaming live at 8:00 AM for worship and 9:30 AM for Bible Study.  Watch at or on Facebook or YouTube. …